Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Have you guys ever heard a phrase, counts either exactly like or some sort of “I can easily forgive people making mistakes on me, but I certainly can’t forget them (the wrong they did).” Sometimes we wouldn’t even want to forgive the mistake people did to us, even tiny ones. Well said, its human’s fitrah, they easily say beyond their control, sometimes. But this statement is truly void on devout people, whom are truthfully worshipping Allah with no doubt. For them, it is not hard to forgive and forget the wrongs people did to them. They even ignore them.

Allah praises the manner of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. as the best mankind in surah Al-Ahzab, verse 21, “The messenger of Allah has set upon you the best example. So, let just see how forgiving he is.

In his journey to Ta’if, to preach the people living there for embracing Islam, he has been rejected by them, ended by his head bleeding caused by stones they throw. In one of the hadith stated, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said to Aisyah that the journey to Ta’if was the toughest scene in spreading Islam he ever encountered. The angel even asked him “would you like me to crash the people of Ta’if by bringing them two mountains put on top of theirs?” Instead, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W prays to Allah for seeking forgiveness to the people of Ta’if, and resisted the action the angel wanted to take.

There was also a story when Prophet Muhammad S.A.W had been attacked and injured during Uhud War. There were three persons amongst the polytheists, one of them was Abdullah bin Shahab (his name after converted to Islam) had attacked Prophet’s forehead and face by hitting him with a stone. He should have no right to be pardoned, but when he was subsequently captured there was no revenge made by the Prophet and he was pardoned. Thereafter he had converted to Islam and died as such in Makkah.

In fact there are more stories concerning the forgiveness of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, but I think it should be more than enough for just sharing these two stories as references to our daily lives. If we are encountering the equal scenes like what Prophet had encountered, would we really act like what he did? Do we simply forgive people who make us bleeding? If not till make us bleed, just put it as we have only been poked. Will we forget what he or she has done, or we payback the poke he or she did to us?

One should ask himself or herself, “how forgiving am I? Have I forgiven someone lately?”

Forget and forgive the wrongs people have done to us,

But remember the wrongs we did to them.

Forget and forgive the rights we did to people,

But remember the rights they have done to us.

Still hard to forgive and forget?

Sempena bulan yang lebih mulia ini,bermaaf-maafan sesama manusia adalah yang terbaik selain memohon dariNya. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin.


sn said...

as the time goes by, forgiveness is a thing to consider

but for me

don't we ever forget what had happened

bukan berdendam

tp sebagai sempadan dihari akan datang...

p/s: kebetulan: i got the same blog entry about forgive & forget

ali said...

yeah, u got word. but it depends on to what extent people forgive the wrongs. as long as they can do forgiveness, its up to em either wanna forget it or not. all in all it's about forgive that matters. jazakallah=)

f.a.i said...

i've got dis. just want 2 share;

"besar ke kita nak berdendam?
kalau Nabi boleh ampunkan umat

hebatkah kita nak berdendam?
kerna Allah tu sifatnya maha Pengampun.."

and all this make me think.

p/s : memang ssh nak maafkan org yang dah sakitkan kita. tapi x salah cuba untuk maafkan dia.
just let it go. always refresh ur feeling. delete all the perasaan yang tak elok. selagi boleh tekan key backspace tuh, let ur heart always calm..

May Allah bless;